Harrys Hardware was founded in 1991 by Marianne Eriksson.
The shop was located at Riddargatan 12 in Stockholm under the name "Rue Blanche".
A basic range for Harrys Hardware was developed, such as bed an bath , clothes for the modern woman "on the go" and interiour design wich al came in line with the concept MArianne always wanted t create.
Harrys as a way of living, consiouss and flexible.
Over the years Marianne has worked with advertising and scenography, today she mainly work as a decorator fpr private homes an dcorporate clients.
" Today i can offer the whole package if you stay at Harrys B&B at Österlen, says Marianne with a big smile. But says further something has been added , something ive longer for to be part of the Harrys experience, food. Beacuse today as a recidency guest you can dine with us during high season!"